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Puoro Ki Te Ao
Puoro to the world

Puoro Ki Te Ao is a sublime auditory journey that infuses the ancient healing sounds of taonga puoro with the calming essence of nature. It is a celebration of sound and spirit, featuring original soundscapes composed and performed by three renowned taonga puoro artists intertwined with breathtaking visuals of the taiao (natural world). As you immerse yourself in the tranquillity of these sounds — be it for personal meditation or in a classroom setting — you'll encounter a world of peace, balance and rejuvenation. Puoro Ki Te Ao is not just an escape, but a passage to rediscover the harmonious symphony of life and the infinite potential within.


Puoro Ki Te Ao is a sublime auditory journey that infuses the ancient healing sounds of taonga puoro with the calming essence of nature. It is a celebration of sound and spirit, featuring original soundscapes composed and performed by three renowned taonga puoro artists intertwined with breathtaking visuals of the taiao (natural world). As you immerse yourself in the tranquillity of these sounds — be it for personal meditation or in a classroom setting — you'll encounter a world of peace, balance and rejuvenation. Puoro Ki Te Ao is not just an escape, but a passage to rediscover the harmonious symphony of life and the infinite potential within.

Who’s involved

Puoro Ki Te Ao features meditative, uplifting, immersive and healing soundscapes created and performed by taonga puoro artists Komako Silver, Horomona Horo and Reti Hedley. Inspired by the Atua of taonga puoro, each piece is a narrative that connects deeply with diverse lands and cultures, fostering a heightened sense of spiritual and cultural connection.

Target audience: who is this show for

Puoro Ki Te Ao is crafted with a special kaupapa in mind, predominantly focusing on rangatahi (youth) while embracing audiences of all ages, both within our shores and beyond. The series serves as a tool for grounding, whakatau wairua, and achieving āio (peace) and balance. It is envisioned to resonate in various educational environments, from kōhanga reo to tertiary institutions, fostering a deeper connection with the musicality and mātauranga (knowledge) of taonga puoro, and inspiring rangatahi on their journey towards self-discovery. 

Why should I watch Puoro Ki Te Ao?

Puoro Ki Te Ao is an invitation to journey through the auditory landscapes of Aotearoa, to be moved by the powerful stories embedded in our music, and to find peace in the ancient sounds that have been passed down through generations. As you immerse yourself in Puoro Ki Te Ao, allow the magic to unfold. Feel the spiritual ceremony, the breath of connection, the healing calm that envelops you. Hear the sounds of the Atua, the frequencies that mend and balance, the Oro nō te taiao that reminds you of your true essence. This is a celebration of wairua, āio, and the harmony of energies within. Puoro Ki Te Ao is not just music; it is a holistic embrace for your taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana and taha whānau.