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Komako Silver

Composer, Performer, Māori Composer


Ngāti Pakahi, Ngā Puhi

Komako Silver is a filmmaker and taonga pūoro artist based in Waikato who integrates her spirituality-based upbringing with her musical practice. Raised amidst the lush gardens and communal practices of her parents, Komako early life was imbued with the spiritual teachings of various cultures. Her journey with taonga puoro began through her family's connection to the land and their cultivation of hue (gourds).

Komako passion lies in highlighting lesser-known Māori ceremonial practices and exploring the healing properties of taonga pūoro. She seamlessly weaves her knowledge of tikanga and atuatanga into her practice, making her a unique and respected figure in the world of Māori music and healing.

Komako also advocates for indigenous voices to be heard, using film and theatre as powerful mediums for storytelling. In 2017, she produced the short film ‘Puoro’, which explores the revival of taonga puoro through the story of Jerome Kavanagh.

Composed (1)

Resources (1)

Oro Rua S2: Ep2 _ INTERVIEW

Media on demand