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Extreme Introspection (Han-Yin Method)

for viola and orchestra

Year:  2024   ·  Duration:  15m
Instrumentation:  2 Flutes (2nd dbl. piccolo) 2 Oboes 2 Clarinets in Bb (2nd dbl. bass clarinet in Bb) 1 Bassoon 1 Horn in F 1 Trumpet in C 1 Trombone Percussion1: woodblock,templeblock,2congas+2bongos,4tom-toms,cymbal(withbow) Percussion 2: triangle, clash cymbals, snare drum(medium rubber mallets), 2 finger cymbals (medium), bass drum(medium rubber mallets), tambourine Piano Solo Viola, Strings (

Year:  2024
Duration:  15m
Instrumentation  2 Flutes (2nd dbl. piccolo)...

Hanzhong Kang

Composer:   Hanzhong Kang

Films, Audio & Samples

Sample Score

Sample: Pages 1, 2 6 and 16 of music

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Many of my works are autobiographical, such as Drunken Madness, La Porte étroite( Han-Yin Method), L'immoraliste ( Han-Yin Method), Onlooker, etc. Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra said: "Self-knowledge is the rarest of knowledge." It is true that since the Romantic period, artists have paid more and more attention to the status and expression of "self," but I do not think that most of them believe that their own character is precious, which leads to the style of their works looks like "self," but it is difficult to hear the unique personality of the author.
This Viola Concerto Extreme Introspection is written using a compositional technique of my own creation - writing about myself and expressing the sounds that I "heard" during these seven days of introspection. If a stranger wants to know what kind of person I am, this work is enough to make it clear.
The compositional method I employ is called the "Han-Yin Method," which I self-created at the end of 2022. Han-Yin method is an interdisciplinary study of Microtones, Mandarin and Ancient Chinese Literature, combining 26 letters and 24 microtones. Based on this method, every letter matches its specific pitch. Following this method,I combined the Chinese Pinyin of ”极(Ji)” “度(Du)” “内(Nei)” and“省(Xing)” to generate the following eight notes for creation: C#3/4, D, D#, E, Fb 1/4, Gb 1/4, A# and B#1/4, this eighth tone generates its own mode, harmony, and color.
Therefore, this composition is meant to "Observe at ease"( Avalokitesvara) and see my composing method's new application and development in different instrument arrangements.