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for unaccompanied SATB choir

Year:  2020   ·  Duration:  3m 30s

Year:  2020
Duration:  3m 30s

Hanzhong Kang

Composer:   Hanzhong Kang

Films, Audio & Samples

Sample Score

Sample: Page 1 of music

See details ➔


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The impermanence of life has been reflected as COVID-1 9 has affected human life.
The composer experienced this complete lockdown from February to July in China;
These are significant changes unseen in a century.
The city Wu Han was blocked one night in February; ten million people lived in the unknown and fear, hospitals were full of patients and a depressive atmosphere.
Hope is what people desperately desire.
The relationship between the unknown fear and humans is the aesthetical consideration behind the work, either adapting to changes or fighting with impermanence.
-Hanzhong Kang

Contents note

了知一切 Liǎo zhī yī qiè,
如幻影 rú huàn yǐng,
如浮云城堡 rú fú yún chéng bǎo, 如梦, 如魅 rú mèng, rú mèi. 了知一切 Liǎo zhī yī qiè,
慈悲, 万里晴空 cí bēi, wàn lǐ qíng kōng. 它未曾生, 它未曾死 Tā wèi céng shēng, tā wèi céng sǐ;
未曾解脱, 未曾迷糊 wèi céng jiě tuō, wèi céng míhú;
生者必死, 聚者必散shēng zhě bì sǐ, jù zhě bì sàn;
积者必竭, 立者必倒 jī zhě bì jié, lì zhě bì dào; 高者必堕 gāo zhě bì duò.

-The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying