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White Red Black

for orchestra, piano and voice

Year:  2014   ·  Duration:  9m
Instrumentation:  Piccolo, Flutes (1,2), Oboes (1,2), Clarinets (1,2 in Bb), Bassoons (1,2), Horns (1,2,3,4 in F) Trumpets (1,2,3 in C), Trombones (1,2,3 in C), Tuba, Percussion (1,2 Mark tree, Crotales, Vibraphone), Violins (1,2), Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Piano, Solo Voice

Year:  2014
Duration:  9m
Instrumentation  Piccolo, Flutes (1,2), Oboe...

Composer:   Briar Prastiti

Films, Audio & Samples

Sample Score

Sample: first 8 pages of score

See details ➔


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White, red and black are three of the most significant colours in folklore, depicted across many cultures. Broadly speaking, white signifies birth, red signifies life and fertility, while black signifies death.

The song White Red Black, now arranged for Orchestra, was originally written by Briar (also known as Twinn Ethyr) at the age of twenty-two. One of many ethereal guitar and vocal songs, it has remained one of her most deeply felt pieces due to its timeless quality and personal meaning. In her piece, the three colours tell a triangular story of love and heartbreak, casting real personalities into the wider sphere of archetypes.

To extend the micro to the macro is the definition of folklore. Briar’s connection to folklore remains strong, using her music as a powerful way to access subconscious symbols and transmute difficult life experiences into golden treasures.

Commissioned note

this work was written/commissioned under the 2023 Mentor Program with Orchestra Wellington

Text note

lyrics by Briar Prastiti