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Le chant du matin (Song of the morning)

for tenor recorder

Year:  2015   ·  Duration:  6m

Year:  2015
Duration:  6m

Composer:   Kirsten Strom

Films, Audio & Samples

Kirsten Strom: Le chant du ...

Embedded video
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Sample Score

Sample: first page of score

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“Tout le monde veut comprendre la peinture, pourquoi n’essaie t’on pas de comprendre le chant des oiseaux, pourquoi aime t-on une nuit, une fleur, tous ce qui entoure l’homme sans chercher à les comprendre?” – Pablo Picasso

[“Everyone wishes to understand painting; why do we not try to understand the call of the birds, why do we love the night, a flower, all that surrounds us, without seeking to understand it?”]

It began with this question of art and meaning, how in some things we take beauty as it is. Listening to the birds I noticed their responsive nature, the echoes and re-echoes of each other’s calls, heightening a sense that music is a language. I was drawn to the sheer joy of the dawn chorus: an instinct to praise the Creator, opening the morning with song.

Dedication note

for Imogen Morris on her voyage to Germany