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Toru means 'three' in Maori, here referring to the trio of players. The written score of Toru lays out the structure, dramatic shape and instrumentation of the music, but the musical details is left to the creativity of the performers, so the musical voyage complete each time Toru is performed will be unique. An aim in Toru has been to draw the cello and clarinet into the sound world of the taonga puoro in the course of the performance.
Notes taken from Toru, Atoll CD (ACD 143)
Dedication note
Dedicated to the memory of Hirini Melbourne, Toru was written at the request of Richard Nunns.
Contents note
There are seven sections played without a break:
(i) embarcation
(ii) karanga manu (bird calls)
(iii) hau! the rhythm of breath
(iv) lament for a friend - in memory of Hirini Melbourne
(v) nocturnal
(vi)wind and waves - sea music
(vii) Tauranga - coming to rest in safe harbour.
Performance history
15 Aug 2003: Performed by Richard Nunns (taonga puoru), Peter Scholes (clarinet), James Tennant (cello); Gallagher Concert Chamber, University of Waikato, Hamilton
Recorded by Richard Nunns (taonga puoro), Peter Scholes (clarinet) and James Tennant (cello) in the Helen Young Studio, Auckland, June 2004.