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for solo piano

Year:  2022   ·  Duration:  1m 23s
Instrumentation:  piano

Year:  2022
Duration:  1m 23s
Instrumentation  piano

Composer:   John Psathas


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Idlewild - adj; feeling grateful to be stranded in a place where you can't do much of anything - sitting for hours at an airport gate, the sleeper car of a train, or the backseat of a van on a long road trip - which temporarily alleviates the burden of being to do anything at any time and frees up your brain to do whatever it wants to do, even if it's just to flicker your eyes across the passing landscape.

Dedication note

Composed on request from Rae De Lisle for publication in her pedagogical volume of New Zealand piano music entitled Fit 4 Piano Etudes: 12 etudes by New Zealand composers.