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to conduct them to

for percussionist

Year:  2023

Year:  2023


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to conduct them to asks the interpreter to follow a text score, a timeline with multiple lines of activity made up of task- or action-based instructions, oftentimes deliberately competing for attention. "If you need, allow a little thinking time—take your time, take care." It's not meant to be polished and perfected, but to give space for the performer to make thoughtful considerations in the moment. The instructions can also be contradictory. "Embrace automaticity, be considered but not too slow: try and fill the time allocated to each instruction without pausing to think too much. Embrace compromise—if instructions for timings and actions oppose each other for example, make decisions to prioritise what’s important in the moment, interrupt yourself, or try to do everything." The piece allows for substantial freedom in instrument choice, from categories like wood, skin, everyday objects (natural and humanmade), utensils, implements, something spongey... Playing technique is also rather free, and the interpreter is prompted to consider everyday motion vs performed motion when enacting the instructions. "The in-between sounds, between gestures, should be present."

Commissioned note

Commissioned by Justin DeHart with funds from Creative New Zealand.