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Infinite Mind

for marimba and audio

Year:  2023

Year:  2023

Composer:   John Psathas


To borrow items or hire parts please email SOUNZ directly at


The recorded voice in Infinite Mind is that of Noam Chomsky, taken from an interview in 2023 when he was 94 years old. It is a chilling interview covering many imminent threats to human civilization, with a deep focus on the underlying need for recognizing the truth of our situation. But it is also moving and inspiring, as toward the end the interviewer manages to draw him out a little and have him talk (somewhat reluctantly) about his personal life.

In the first part, Terminal, we hear about one of the two most dire threats facing us now; nuclear war.

In the second part, Noam, we alternate between descriptions of one of the most dangerous people currently alive, and Chomsky reminiscing about some of the most miraculous moments in his own life. The space between these two polarities, a kind of yin and yang of our potential as human beings, is the space where most of us exist.

Chomsky’s voice is suspended over an eloquent and often energized solo marimba, both woven around, and within, an enhancing audio track.

Commissioned note

Commissioned by Justin DeHart. Made possible with funding from Creative New Zealand.

Dedication note

to Justin DeHart

Contents note

I. Terminal
II. Noam