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Mirror Traps

for soprano and chamber ensemble

Year:  2023   ·  Duration:  13m 40s
Instrumentation:  soprano, bass flute, oboe, bass clarinet, trombone, harpsichord, violin, viola, cello

Year:  2023
Duration:  13m 40s
Instrumentation  soprano, bass flute, oboe, ...

Ihlara McIndoe

Composer:   Ihlara McIndoe

Films, Audio & Samples

Ihalara McIndoe: Mirror Tra...

Embedded video
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Sample Score

Sample: Pages 1, 2, 8, 12, 15, 20, and 22 of score

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In Mirror Traps, I sought to capture a sense of the lyrical yet angular, simile cascading, effortlessly shifting, flowing, fragmented, ironic, tender (and more) qualities of Hera Lindsay Bird's text of the same name. Composed as part of the Voix Nouvelles Academy and Festival de Royaumont 2023 for Ensemble Court-Circuit (France) and soprano Johanna Vargas (Columbia), the work infuses elements and characteristics of the people, place and instruments for which it was written: from the capacities and characteristics unique to the Foundation Royaumont Sidey Harpsichord, to collaborations with Vargas to explore the vast range of vocal styles and techniques within her performance skill set, to the timbral qualities of ensemble member’s spoken voices, to the resonances of the Royaumont Abbaye rafters.

Text note

Text by Hera Lindsay Bird