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Atarangi: Morning Sky

Full Musical

Year:  2021   ·  Duration:  2h

Year:  2021
Duration:  2h

Tom Knowles

Composer:   Tom Knowles


Atarangi: Morning Sky, explores the Māori myth of creation, Ranginui and Papatūānuku, through the eyes of a young New Zealand girl in 2021, finding parallels from the myth to modern day life. A new school assignment set by teacher Mr. Robert Dylan sends the students into exploration of where they each came from. Atarangi's journey includes visits from her Tīpuna, Māori warriors, and a fantasy world that comes to life from books passed down from her Koro, as she discovers her cultural past and identity. This show explores diversity, culture, and self-worth through acknowledging multiculturalism within Aotearoa and has many special guest appearances along the way!