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The request for this piece came with some specific requirements - a Māori text, a possible instrumental part, certain types of textures and an overall mood to match other pieces of mine. The short text was provided by Faith Tautuhi from the school (Waikato Diocesan School for Girls) and speaks of simple core values of truth, loyalty, openness and honesty. The translation of the text included reference to the Latin words that underpin the school’s special character: Veritate, Simplicitate, Fidelitate (by truthfulness, by straightforwardness, by loyalty). I incorporated those three Latin words into the work as an interesting linguistic counterpoint to the Māori text. The work begins with the injunction 'Whakarongo mai' - hear or listen.
Commissioned note
Commissioned by Waikato Diocesan School for Girls
Difficulty note
Suitable for school and community choirs
Text note
Text by Faith Tautuhi