An 'event horizon', in physics, is the term given to the point around a black hole at which light can no longer escape: it is a point where our conventional ideas of time and space have little meaning.
Event Horizon is inspired by the work of the Taiwanese artist Wang Pan Youn. In many of his works there are symbols which allude to the unexpressible - points where symbolised and subconcious reality meet in the same space. Often represented by vast planes meeting, the point at which the earth meets the sky is expressed like the edge of an open wound. The apparent stillness and serenity of these paintings is an illusion, in the bottomless depths of these intersecting planes there lies the unexpressible, the very reason why art exists.
This work takes the form of a miniature piano concerto. It is dedicated to Professor Bor-nien and Forum Music. It received its premiere in Zhong Shan Hall, Taipei, October 25, 2010.
Jeroen Speak
Dedication note
Dedicated to Professor Bor nien and Forum Music
Performance history
25 Oct 2009: Performed by Forum Music and Shih Yang Lee (piano) at Zhong Shan Hall in Taipei, Taiwan