Go, heart, unto the lamp of licht,
Go, heart, do service and honour,
Go, heart, and serve him day and nicht,
Go, heart, unto thy Saviour.
Go, heart, to thy only remeid,
Descending from the heavenly tour:
Thee to deliver from pyne and deide,
Go, heart, unto thy Saviour.
Go, heart, but dissimulatioun,
To Christ, that took our vile nature,
For thee to suffer passioun,
Go, heart, unto thy Saviour.
Go, heart, richt humill and meek,
Go, heart, as leal and true servitour,
To him that heill is for all seek,
Go, heart, unto thy Saviour.
Go, heart, with true and haill intent,
To Christ thy help and haill succour,
Thee to redeem he was all rent,
Go, heart, unto thy Saviour.
To Christ, that raise from death to live,
Go, heart, unto thy latter hour,
Whais great mercy can nane discrive,
Go, heart, unto thy Saviour.
Text note
Text from The Gude and Godlie Ballatis by anonymous