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Split the Lark

for violin and piano

Year:  1991   ·  Duration:  13m

Year:  1991
Duration:  13m

Films, Audio & Samples

Sample Score

Sample: Page 1

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This work for violin and piano was reviewed thus, "The intense heart of the concert was Eve de Castro-Robinson's Split the Lark...performed fervently..and serenely...The work suited both moods, the opening of sustained airy interweaving by the two instruments giving way now and then to more strident, stopping and starting gestures. The piece was taut throughout, but certainly intensified, closing with a fine screech of emotion at the very end." Cheryl Camm, Music in New Zealand. "Split the airy capriciousness combined with intensity, grace and rhythmic intricacies." John Taylor, Music in New Zealand.

Commissioned note

Commissioned by Miranda Adams, with funding from QEII Arts Council (now Creative New Zealand)