Work Solo (Stockhausen) for melody instrument and feedback system Year: 1975 Instrumentation: 6 realisations for melody instrument and feedback system: flute; double bass; voice; oboe; bass-clarinet; trombone Year: 1975 Instrumentation 6 realisations for melody i... Barry Anderson Composer Composer: Barry Anderson About Work About Contents note flute (1975); bass (1976); voice (1977); oboe (1979); bass-clarinet(1981); trombone (1981) Related tags Electroacoustic Elements Related works Colla Voce For solo soprano Domingus tape realisation of poem cycle En face de.... 1 for soprano and double bass Maui full length opera for large orchestra, chorus, soloists Proscenium for solo percussion, electronic modulation, tape delay and 2-channel tape Windows for 2-channel tape and slide projections