Please contact the SOUNZ Marketing Manager if you have any questions about the use of our logo or require other file formats or alternative colours.
Download SOUNZ logo guides below, including information about colours, clear space and minimum size.
logo colours
black & white
minimum size and clear space
Logos for digital use (RGB) - Ngā waitohu matihiko (RGB)
Colour - Tae .jpg .png
Reverse - Hurikōaro .jpg .png
Logos for print (CMYK) - Ngā waitohu taha tā (CMYK)
Colour - Tae .eps
Reverse - Hurikōaro .eps
Logos black and white - Ngā waitohu pango, mā
Black - Pango .png
White - Mā .png
Ngā Waitohu o SOUNZ
Tēnā whakapā mai ki te Marketing Manager i SOUNZ mēnā he pātai āu mō te āhua o te whakamahi i tō mātou waitohu, mēnā rānei kei te hiahiatia he momo kōnae anō, he tae kē anō rānei.
Kei raro nei ngā whakamārama mō te waitohu o SOUNZ, tae atu ki ngā kōrero mō ngā tae, te waerenga me te rahi iti katoa e taea ana.