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Chris Gendall on his Violin Concerto | SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2019

Chris Gendall (L) is a finalist for the 2019 SOUNZ Contemporary Award | Te Tohu Auaha for his Violin Concerto. It was written for violinist Mark Menzies (R) ...

Michael Norris on his Violin Concerto 'Sama' | SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2019

Michael Norris is a finalist for the 2019 SOUNZ Contemporary Award | Te Tohu Auaha for his Violin Concerto 'Sama'. It was written for violinist Amalia Hall a...

John Psathas
The All Seeing Sky

The All Seeing Sky, a new double percussion concerto by John Psathas will be premiered this week by the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, with a second perfor...

Tai timu, tai pari
Gillian Whitehead & Andrew Beer

Photo: Gareth WatkinsDame Gillian Whitehead's new violin concerto Tai timu, tai pari will be premiered on Friday 10 June 2022 by the Auckland Philharmonia Or...

Celeste Oram's 'a loose affiliation of alleluias'
SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2020 finalist

<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start">&...

SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2019 Finalist Video Interviews

The three finalists for the 2019 SOUNZ Contemporary Award | Te Tohu Auaha talk about their works. The winner will be announced at the APRA Silver Scrolls on ...

Five Questions with Amalia Hall

Te Marama puoro o Aotearoa is here (New Zealand Music month). Nina Lesperance from SOUNZ recently caught up with Amalia to hear what New Zealand Music month ...

Meet composer
Dave Flynn

Please tell us about yourself and what you do. I'm a composer, guitarist and orchestra director, originally from Ireland, now resident in NZ.I work across a ...

James Gardner discusses 'Gyre (Ghosts with Accents)'

SOUNZ recently caught up with composer James Gardner to talk about his upcoming work 'Gyre (Ghosts with Accents)', a concerto for percussion quartet and orch...

Chris Watson discusses 'ogee' | SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2019

Chris Watson is a finalist for the 2019 SOUNZ Contemporary Award | Te Tohu Auaha with 'ogee' for violin and orchestra.


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