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Komako Silver
On Puoro Ki te Ao

Earlier in June we released Pūoro Ki te Ao (Puoro to the world), an three part audio-visual journey that combines the healing properties of Tāonga Pūoro with...

Meet composer
Kirsten Te Rito

Please tell us about yourself and what you do.I learnt piano from age six and play a little guitar, but voice is my main instrument. I'm really into creative...

Composer Spaces | Alistair Fraser

In our Composer Spaces series, we ask composers to share a bit about their working environment and to give us a brief insight into their process. This week w...

Meet composer
Reuben Rameka

Please tell us about yourself and what you do.I am a New Zealand Māori composer, conductor and teacher based in Auckland, and I am primarily of Ngāpuhi and T...


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