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Rotterdam in the digital age

SOUNZ Executive Director Diana Marsh attended Classical:NEXT followed by the IAMIC Annual Meeting and General Assembly in Rotterdam in May 2018. Approximatel...

Still Burning Bright
Jenny McLeod at 80

Jenny McLeod delivering the 2016 Lilburn Lecture. Photo: Mark BeattyBy Michael Norris(Untitled)MostlyI am no poet,am little bewitchedby melodious babble;I w...

Meet composer
Dale Vail

Please tell us about yourself and what you do. I am a Trombonist and Composer. I am currently working with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra as the Trombone Fell...

Meet composer
Micah Thompson

 Please tell us about yourself and what you do.Hello!! I am Micah Thompson and I'm a young Wellington composer/musician and devotee of English literature. I ...

John Ritchie, composer, at 100

On September 29 this year my father, John Ritchie, would have turned 100. Being a cricket fan, he would have appreciated the century milestone but, as it is,...

Thomas Botting
On His Latest Work

I’m Tom Botting, I’m a double bassist and composer working primarily in the jazz genre. I grew up in Hamilton before moving to Auckland to study jazz at Mass...


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