A Christmas Offering 1944 was written for the composer's friends Lawrence Baigent, Leo Bensemann and Mary Bensemann. It is the fourth and largest of Christmas presents written in 1941-44 (the earlier sets are published together as a separate volume, Musical Offerings) intended to bring pleasure and amusement to the recipients, who were amateur pianists.
Two pieces appeared in the collection Occasional Pieces, published in 1975 by Price Milburn Music (Adagio Sostenuto and the 3rd of Four Preludes), but the remainder have lain unplayed for many years, and are here published, posthumously, for the first time.
Waiteata Music Press gratefully acknowledges the encouragement and expert advice from Margaret Nielsen and Dan Poynton in publishing these works.
Series title
Waiteata Music Press 2004 no. 5
Waiteata Music Press/ Lilburn Trust (Alexander Turnbull Library)
Publisher note
Waiteata Music Press