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Mountain Climber

Embedded video



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Te Reo Māori, English, Spoken Word


2m 12s

Publisher note

This is my first ever spoken word piece that I will be contributing to the "E Tū Whānau" Spoken Word Competition.

All photos and videos with names are credited to those who have given me permission to use their beautiful captures of our maunga Tararua.

Ka tuku aku oha whakamiha ki a koutou, I give my many thanks to you that have given permission and that have gone out of their way to help another person in their community.

This spoken word piece is about my journey as a mountain climber or "Over Achiever". As a Māori/Samoan I look up to the great things my ancestors have accomplished and I use that to motivate me to become a great ancestor for my future descendants.

I want to inspire and encourage our rangatahi to dig deep, dream hard, work hard and go for gold in what they want in life. There is no limits to what you can achieve! If it's truly something you desire don't let it be an idea and not a plan. I had to learn at a young age what is more important to me and it turns out that my dreams, my hopes, my goals became greater than the negativity that I was surrounded in.

Do what you love and great things will come.


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