CMNZ presents NZTrio with Horomona Horo in:
Toru Whā, Ka Rewa a Matariki | Three Four, The Rise of Matariki
We commissioned three composers, each of whom identifies in a significant way with Māori and European music: Dame Gillian Karawe Whitehead (Ngāi Tahu and ‘matriarch’ of NZ music), Martin Lodge (curator of Waikato University’s taonga pūoro collection), and Jeremy Mayall (composer/performer/producer engaging in taonga pūoro).
A call and response culminates in a melding of taonga pūoro and piano trio, after which the complete ensemble remains fused - two cultures together - performing further works Ngā Kete e Toru by Gareth Farr and Richard Nunns, and Toi Huarewa/The Suspended Way by Victoria Kelly, each of which tells its own distinct tale or legend that links with Matariki.
Start time
July 19, 2019 7:00PM
Puke Ariki, New Plymouth
Koha entry