SMP Ensemble presents "Interiors" with special guest Jeremy Hantler and Dylan Lardelli. The concert includes cutting-edge NZ and international works by Holloway, Morgan, Lardelli, Brownlee and Pahg.
Samuel Holloway (NZ) – Sillage for Guitar, Tape, Flute, Clarinet, Viola, Cello
Rachael Morgan (NZ)– New Work for Guitar, Flute, Cello and Viola.
Dylan Lardelli (NZ) – Musical Box I for Taonga Puoro, Viola, Guitar and Harp
Philip Brownlee (NZ)– As if to catch the fleeting tail of time for Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, Viola, Cello and Harp.
Philip Brownlee (NZ)– he rimu pae noa for Taonga Puoro, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano
Sun-Young Pahg (Korea)– ThresholdIng for Flute, Clarinet, Guitar, Viola and Cello
Start time
February 26, 2011 7:00PM
Adam Concert Room
Tickets: $15/$10 door sales