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Alexandra Hope Watson



Alexandra is a performer, composer and lyricist, appreciating both classical and contemporary music. Alexandra is studying at the University of Canterbury (UC) working towards a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in Composition having completed a Master of Arts with Distinction, in Performance and Composition. Alexandra was delighted to represent UC in 2023, as part of UC Choice and was MC at the University of Canterbury’s 150th Anniversary Concert ‘Noteworthy’ with Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.

In 2023 Alexandra won the UC Lilburn Composers Competition with ‘Tell Me’, a song that attempts to understand the deeper connections that we share. Her love of musical theatre has grown over the years and Alexandra is developing three musicals, one of which ‘A Magical Musical Mystery’ based on “Nonsense verse” of Lewis Carroll will have its premiere with Christchurch Symphony Orchestra in September 2024. An accomplished musician, Alexandra studied Piano, Violin, Cello, Flute, Harp and in 2017 gained her ARSM in Voice. Alexandra’s instrumental experience supports her ability to compose in all genres as she understands the needs of orchestral musicians.

Her compositions have been performed locally including ‘Running Wild’ from ‘A Magical Musical Mystery’ sung by the Christchurch Youth Choir. Alexandra is now working collaboratively with an Honours student at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire who will present Alexandra’s second musical ‘The First 8’ in concert in March 2025. ‘The First 8’ is based on the first eight women employed by the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), who worked tirelessly throughout World War 2 breaking down barriers for women in aviation in the UK.

Alexandra regularly performs in Christchurch City and North Canterbury as a soloist and is a member of the CSO Chorus and NZ Opera Chorus. Alexandra previously sang in Verdi’s ‘Macbeth’ with NZ Opera and is looking forward to singing in their main stage production of ‘Le Comte Ory’ in Christchurch in June 2024.

Alexandra was a member of the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain, Girls Choir, who performed at the Sheldonian in Oxford and recorded “A Ceremony of Carols” on the CD “A Festival of Britten”. Alexandra was also a member of the UK National Schools Symphony Orchestra from 2011 to 2018. Alexandra was part of the NZSO Mentorship Programme under Associate Principal Donald Armstrong. A member of UC Chamber Choir, Consortia for 6 years Alexandra has performed as ‘Galatea’ in Handel’s opera Acis and Galatea, ‘Belinda’ in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and has sung in a selection of baroque English works with a small ensemble. Alexandra has participated in several masterclasses with New Zealand Opera, Kristen Darragh, Angus Simmons, Jonathan Lemalu, Trevor Jones and Amanda Echalaz.

Alexandra continues to lead North Canterbury Academy of Music as Musical Director and has worked with members of CSO for two Orchestral Weekends to develop orchestral music in North Canterbury for local students. In complete contrast Alexandra’s interests are diverse and she enjoys competing at National level in trampolining and aerobatics, having gained her PPL in 2019.

Performances (1)

A Magical Musical Mystery: In Concert with CSO

Let me introduce myself, I am a New Zealand soprano, composer, lyricist and arranger. I started m...