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Meet the Composer
Tom Knowles

In this series, we present our new composers. We are proud to introduce Tom Knowles 

Please tell us about yourself and what you do.

Im an all ages multi instrumentalist, actor, singer-songwriter and performer from Aotearoa. Ive acted in numerous films and television shows, and have performed at some of the world's most exciting venues and festivals, including the Darwin Arts Festival, the San Diego Fringe festival, with an Orchestra at Covent Garden In London, toured to Mexico, and was part of the headlining act for the Big Gay Out, Matariki Ahi Kā, Wellington Waitangi concert, Garden magic and the Cubadupa festivals here in New Zealand.

I mainly sing and play guitar but also dabble on the keyboard and bass. 

Ive managed to sustain a career in the arts by being fluid and floating between various art forms which keeps my life exciting and allows me to focus on lots of different things.

Since graduating Toi Whakaari; NZ Drama school in 2013 I've had some really cool gigs including 'Shrek: The Musical' (in which he starred as the titular ogre), Grease, Saturday Night Fever, as part of the Modern Māori Quartet and the TV series The Brokenwood Mysteries. In Children’s theatre I've completed 2 NZ wide tours with Capital E and went on to write my own award winning children’s show, 'Atarangi: Morning Sky'. It was performed by over 300 kids in an opening sell out season at a 700 seat theatre.

In 2023 I released an album of 20 songs from the musical under the same name thanks to support from NZ on Air music for Tamariki. The album has a feel-good reggae-pop sound, with both English and Te Reo Māori lyrics and explores themes of empowerment and the Māori creation story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku. The Album recently won 'PEOPLE’S CHOICE GLOBAL ALBUMS OF THE YEAR-2023' at the GLOBAL CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS as well as GLOBAL SONG OF THE YEAR- RUNNER UP- 2023 

Please choose 2-3 of your works/albums and tell us about them.

“I Am Enough” was the first single release from the Album, “Atarangi: Morning Sky”. It's a catchy and upbeat, all ages song with lyrics that encourage listeners to embrace their unique qualities and remind them that they are worthy and valuable just the way they are. The melody is sure to get toes tapping and heads bopping, making it an instant favourite among music lovers of all ages.

"I Am Enough" is a timely reminder that in a world where we are bombarded with messages of self-doubt and comparison, we can choose to focus on the positive and celebrate our own individuality. The single is a testament to the power of music to uplift and inspire, and it is sure to resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.

I am so glad to put this out to Aotearoa and the world, and hope that it will serve as a source of encouragement and empowerment for anyone who needs it.

The song is written in both English and te reo Māori with the music video featuring the extreme talents of Bohally Intermediate School students.

The song has been performed at kids music festivals and concerts around NZ and I love to see kids sharing in the joy. It is music from this land, about this land, for the people of this land and made with the hands of this land. Its a call to arms to stand up tall and be proud of who we are!

"My People" is a roots-reggae anthem that celebrates the power of community, unity, and resilience.
I wrote this song to celebrate my people and their strength, resilience, and whakapapa. I want to inspire others to connect with their cultural roots, and to find pride and joy in who they are and where they come from.

The single was accompanied by a stirring and moving music video starring the tamariki of Bohally Intermediate School Kapahaka group-the same Kapahaka group that I was part of many moons ago. So it was a really cool experience to go back to my old school and create something powerful with the students there.

What are you working on at the moment?

Seperate to the work I am making for tamariki, I have recorded new indie-rock music which will soon be released under the name, Tommy Knowledge. Ive been sitting on this music for a while so I am really excited to get it out to the world, along with a really cool video.

I have also teamed up with award winning musician and writer Jed Parsons and we are working on a new original, live kids music show that will premiere in 2025 and hopefully give us the opportunity to travel around the motu performing. The show is called, ALL THE THINGS I WISH I COULD BE, and is musical exploration of all the possible things we could be when we grow up!

I am also going to be premiering a new one man musical at the NZ Fringe Festival next year called, Roadkill, and is a meatloaf-esque, rock show that takes place in a car! Creating opportunities for myself to tour, to take the work to the people and to entertain without restrictions and holdups. I will soon be running a boosted campaign to raise much needed funds to get this off the ground as i believe its the first of its kind in the world.

Besides the new music and shows soon to be released I am regularly playing NZ wide with my band, solo and also as part of the Māori drag super group, The Tiwhas!

How can people connect with you? 


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Would you like to tell us anything else? 

If people wish to support the various mahi and avenues Im exploring, I have set up a donation page which will go towards continuing pushing the boundaries in the arts industry and taking work to the people it's made for.