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Reti Hedley from indigenous soul group IA
on the release of their waiata 'Kōkōrangi'

Reti Hedley from indigenous soul group IA have released their waiata 'Kōkōrangi.' The waiata is accompanied by a music video that celebrates Pacific Voyaging...

Artist Spotlight
Anna Coddington 

Te Marama puoro o Aotearoa is here (New Zealand Music month). This week SOUNZ shines the spotlight on Anna Coddington. Nina Lesperance from SOUNZ spoke with ...

Still Burning Bright
Jenny McLeod at 80

Jenny McLeod delivering the 2016 Lilburn Lecture. Photo: Mark BeattyBy Michael Norris(Untitled)MostlyI am no poet,am little bewitchedby melodious babble;I w...

Composer Spaces | Alistair Fraser

In our Composer Spaces series, we ask composers to share a bit about their working environment and to give us a brief insight into their process. This week w...

Dame Gillian Whitehead at 80
a music of our own

Early in 2020, just before New Zealand locked down in the face of COVID-19, composer Dame Gillian Whitehead wrote a commissioned piece for five viols. She ca...


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