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Meet composer
Ivan Clayden

In this series, we present our new composers. We are proud to introduce Ivan Clayden. Please tell us about yourself and what you do. I am a composer and perf...

Two SOUNZ composers win Waiata Māori Music Awards

On Friday the 13th, Club Hastings buzzed with energy as some of New Zealand’s leading Māori composers, performers and musicians gathered for the 2019 Nationa...

Michael Norris on his Violin Concerto 'Sama' | SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2019

Michael Norris is a finalist for the 2019 SOUNZ Contemporary Award | Te Tohu Auaha for his Violin Concerto 'Sama'. It was written for violinist Amalia Hall a...

Meet composer
Grant Hughson

Please tell us about yourself and what you do.My professional focus has always been split between music and computers. I was classically trained on piano and...

Liisa McMillan
Her Career Thus Far

SOUNZ would like to congratulate Liisa McMillan on her new appointment as the RNZ Concert Manager. Liisa has been with RNZ for many years and has been a grea...

Meet composer Te KuraHuia
Te KuraHuia

In this series, we present our new composers. We are proud to introduce Te Kura Huia Arikirangi Faith Oriwia Henare-Stewart.Ngāi Tara ki te Muaūpoko o te ika...


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