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Meet Rodger Fox

Rodger Fox is one of New Zealand’s foremost jazz trombonists, big band leaders, a jazz educator, an arranger and a producer. In our Composer Spaces series, w...

Jazz in the Cracks
Part 1

The enormous impact of COVID-19 on music in Aotearoa is obvious. Concerts often can’t go ahead, and audiences often don’t want to go out. During lockdowns, m...

Jazz in the Cracks
Part 2

This is Part 2, read Part 1 here.New residencies and concert series sprang up all throughout Aotearoa during the pandemic. Saxophonist Jimmy Rainey, who was ...

John Psathas
The All Seeing Sky

The All Seeing Sky, a new double percussion concerto by John Psathas will be premiered this week by the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, with a second perfor...

Tai timu, tai pari
Gillian Whitehead & Andrew Beer

Photo: Gareth WatkinsDame Gillian Whitehead's new violin concerto Tai timu, tai pari will be premiered on Friday 10 June 2022 by the Auckland Philharmonia Or...


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