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Michael Norris on his Violin Concerto 'Sama' | SOUNZ Contemporary Award 2019

Michael Norris is a finalist for the 2019 SOUNZ Contemporary Award | Te Tohu Auaha for his Violin Concerto 'Sama'. It was written for violinist Amalia Hall a...

Meet composer
Dave Flynn

Please tell us about yourself and what you do. I'm a composer, guitarist and orchestra director, originally from Ireland, now resident in NZ.I work across a ...

Nathaniel Otley
the convergence of oceans

Nathaniel Otley is this year's NZSO National Youth Orchestra Composer in Residence. His new work the convergence of oceans will premiere on 30 June at the Mi...

Horomona Horo & Jeremy Mayall
He Pu, He Puoro, He Purakau

He Pu, He Puoro, He Purakau (A seed, an instrument, a story) is the result of a longstanding musical collaboration between composers and musicians Horomona H...

Ones to watch
featuring Sai Natarajan

In this series ‘Ones to watch,’ we catch up with an up and coming composers to talk about their latest work, what drives them, and to find a bit more about t...

Tai timu, tai pari
Gillian Whitehead & Andrew Beer

Photo: Gareth WatkinsDame Gillian Whitehead's new violin concerto Tai timu, tai pari will be premiered on Friday 10 June 2022 by the Auckland Philharmonia Or...

Gillian Whitehead
'Time steps out of line' and 'Weaving time and distance'

Dame Gillian Whitehead will have two new works premiered in coming weeks. 'Time steps out of line', for baroque orchestra, will be played by Juilliard451 in ...

Lucy Mulgan on her children's opera Red!

We caught up with composer Lucy Mulgan to talk about her children's opera Red! which will be performed in Wellington on 4 August 2021 by NZ Opera, featuring ...

Meet composer
Camryn Nel

In this series, we present our new composers. We are proud to introduce Camryn Nel.

2024 NZSO | SOUNZ Tarling Trust Commission

NZSO | SOUNZ Tarling Trust CommissionBriar Prastiti recipient of 2024 NZSO | SOUNZ Tarling Trust CommissionWellington-based composer Briar Prastiti has been ...


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