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The anatomy of a commission

NZTrio recently gave the world premiere of Reuben de Lautour’s An Auscultation of Water. Richard Betts examines how we got here. 

Horomona Horo & Jeremy Mayall
He Pu, He Puoro, He Purakau

He Pu, He Puoro, He Purakau (A seed, an instrument, a story) is the result of a longstanding musical collaboration between composers and musicians Horomona H...

Still Burning Bright
Jenny McLeod at 80

Jenny McLeod delivering the 2016 Lilburn Lecture. Photo: Mark BeattyBy Michael Norris(Untitled)MostlyI am no poet,am little bewitchedby melodious babble;I w...

Glen Downie

We caught up with composer Glen Downie do talk about his new trio Rivet, part of Chamber Music New Zealand's Fantasy and Romance tour, with flautist Melanie ...

Glen Downie discusses 'light speckled droplet'

SOUNZ recently caught up with Glen Downie, the 2019 NZSO NYO Composer in Residence, to talk about his new piece 'light speckled droplet'. The work features t...

Meet Tararua
Art Music Quartet

Tararua is an art music quartet based in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. Members are Al Fraser (taonga puoro), Ariana Tikao (taonga puoro & vocals), Ru...

Meet Composer Joshua Taylor

In this series, we present our new composers. We are proud to introduce Joshua Taylor.

Artist Spotlight
Anna Coddington 

Te Marama puoro o Aotearoa is here (New Zealand Music month). This week SOUNZ shines the spotlight on Anna Coddington. Nina Lesperance from SOUNZ spoke with ...

John Psathas
The All Seeing Sky

The All Seeing Sky, a new double percussion concerto by John Psathas will be premiered this week by the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, with a second perfor...

Meet composer
Johnny Yang

In this series, we present our new composers. We are proud to introduce Johnny Yang.Please tell us about yourself and what you do.I am a multi-instrumentalis...


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